Saturday, October 16, 2010
With the end of the Graduation Ceremony 2010 yesterday, it is official that you, my senior girls, pioneer batch of RV Floorball, my dearest teammates whom I'd fought together with, had fun with, cried with, and shared the same dreams with, are now going down into another chapter of RVFBT as "Alumni".
This journey was but a short 2 years, one-third of your stay in RV, but we'd came through so much together as a team and I believe that when you look back in memory on your years in RV, those of RVFBT will not weigh any less than all other parts. Along the way, some left us and others joined. But at the end of it all, everyone who'd stayed all the way until the end, as what Priscilla had said,
"是宝来的!"Set up at the end of 2008, we slowly climbed up from rookies who didn't knw where to stand, how to run to position, how to shoot and how to guard the goal, to proud winners of the 4th position in the nationals this year. We'd started out as a small team of only about 10 people.

Remember this? Our first friendly match against KC. Later we decided that this batch of girls shall be labelled the most initial group of people who joined RVFBT. From here, we only grew bigger, stronger.
As a new CCA, we didn't have the facilities needed for our trainings. Back in the Malan road campus, we trained in the hall with tiled floors that made our passes jump. We didn't have boards as boundary for our game, and so we always had to run all around to gather the balls after training, and the balls always roll under the ginormous stacks of tables and chairs at the back of the hall which was so hard to get out.. Still, we had our trainings, we had friendly matches even. We survived.
When we finally moved to the Boon Lay campus this year and found this....

No more tiles, no more lousy stacks of tables and chairs, but most amazingly BOARDS. We were then ready to take on the world, right? ;)
We had tough PTs that always put me in a miserable mood (or maybe it's just me la....). We ran 12 rounds together, doing what we'd never thought was possible. We'd ever had a crazy session of PT in the morning, then proceed to have a friendly match in the afternoon, remember? I thought my arms and legs were going to fall off while carrying the canteen benches into the hall to serve as our make-shift boards. We had Saturday trainings early in the morning, at the tennis courts with grounds that were rough like the asphalt road, we even played a friendly match with AC girls there once. We ran last year's cross country together, and clinched many medals and did our team proud.
Thinking about all that, we are sure some iron ladies.
Aside from trainings and PTs, we have fun together and through all of that, grow closer with each other in the team.

Celebrating Clarine's 17th birthday.

Ballet Under The Stars 2009.

Sentosa outing.

Playing pool together.
It's particularly hard for me, because I cannot leave this team together with all of you when I had joined as an initial member. I don't particularly enjoy trainings, especially when it ends at 7+ 8pm. Much less PTs. But I don't want to leave this team, because of the people in it.
I feel so much closer to all of you this year, maybe because we went through more together? Ran our asses off on court in every game, trying so hard to get another goal in and prevent the opponent team from scoring. Giving our everything. The way all of you care for all members of the team, the way we are good together and does nonsense things together as evident from the truckloads of photos on Facebook which are impossible for me to upload.
It's a sense of security. When I feel like I just cannot go on anymore on court, and I am running out for a line change, it is a belief that my teammates who just ran in the court would take care of the job for me, and do a good one at that. We've all made mistakes, let in goals, went into the holy sin bin, ran in the wrong direction. But what matters most is that, we try. We don't give up. We don't let others get us down. We have goals.
Who would have thought there would be this day for us? Who would have expected a team that's always short of a line somehow and so new in the scene to squeeze into the top 4 so soon upon setting up? Regardless whether it was luck or not, we did it, and it is something to be proud of, something we worked hard for.
We did so much together. We grew so much together.

External competitions.

Champions in team relay.


Had fun together in floorball camp.

And of course, trainings.
I hope that after graduating, you all will never forget the way floorball made you feel. The way it allows you to drop all troubles for awhile. How you're struggling to breathe. The way you fight to become better. And how after all this, we are still alive.
Through all these times, never forget who was beside you when you needed help (in terms of on court), who gave you strength to carry on, who showed you concern when you're not on form. Who you cried with, shared your fears and thoughts with, who you celebrated your glory with.

After all this, we finally got our reward. An affirmation that all the hours of tough trainings, of sprinting like a mad dog, of giving up your homework, of not having enough sleep... Was all worth it.
4th in nationals. Who would have thought, really?
Wonderful memories will be kept forever. After years, we may not remember the scores of the matches we'd once played, we may not remember how many rounds you ran (though I highly doubt so!), you may not even remember who we actually played with before.
But we won't forget the way we felt for floorball, towards floorball, about floorball.We won't forget what we did together as a team.

And of course, Stella.
For now, my friends, you have to focus on the task at hand, and that is to study for your A levels. It's the home stretch, last sprint, the end of your 6 years of education and it's what you've all been waiting for to get over with. Study hard and stay focused. We are all looking forward to you girls coming back for trainings with us after your As.
In a way, seeing Seychee cry so hard during your graduation yesterday really affirmed to me our team spirit together. A team should be like this, no clear divide between seniors and juniors, all collectively regarded as teammates. I am proud of us for having successfully established this bond.
I will miss all of you. I will miss our random complaints and funny comments during trainings. I will miss
Yiling's not being able to hear instructions and having to repeat it to her all the time. Shiyuan and Jaslin's gan jiong naggings from the sidelines "FORTRESS FORTRESS!!" and "CALL OUT FOR YOUR TEAMMATES!" Zhijun's power shot.
Sherry trying to be close with Stella but only got a disgusted face from in return. Zhenxi's running ALL over the court during a game. And all of you others who'd listened to my ramblings, added on to it, been around. I will miss all of you.
Sorry, I mean I miss all of you. In all the trainings without you all.
Jaslin. Shiyuan. Wenyi. Yiling. Clarine. Sherry. Zhijun. Sharman. Eileen. Zhenxi. Huishan. Yeejin. Beishan. Yueting. All of you have made a difference to my stay in RVFBT. Thank you.
Don't worry about us now, leave the future of RVFBT to us, the Dream Team. We will not disappoint you people (try).

Congrats on your graduation, my teammates and friends.
我爱你们!Superwoman #19
6:36 PM