![]() We ♥ floorball! |
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Singapore Floorball League 2010 features the Men's and Ladies' Division 1, which will be played from May to August 2010. The first match will start tmr - 22May at Clementi Sports Hall. Check out the fixtures @ http://www.floorballx.com/sfl2010results.html You can see which teams you wanna watch by refering to their placing in last yr's Div1 @ http://www.floorballx.com/SFL2009_Tables_Div1.htm The yr5s should take some time to go down and watch the pros play. Though their format is 5v5, there bound to be sth you can take away from every match (: When you're there, dont just focus on how cool they are. You need to learn their attacking and defending skills and tactics. then practise it and apply in games. I think it helps in some way (: #21
7:51 PM
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hey team! Im happy to say that we've achieved our target set since Adiv ended last yr - national top 4! :D We all fought hard for this place, this medal, this fame. Next yr the rv floorball team is entering Adiv with this title attached and I hope it's with us for the next few years! and not just the girls team, our boys team will make it too (: To the yr5s, the stage is yours now. Lead the future juniors well, impart them with skills and knowledge, build their fighting spirit and passion for floorball (: and at the same time, constantly fill yourself with floorball! upgrade by watching more games, learning and practising. Experience really helps alot. We all want to play floorball like how the finalists did right? (: We came this far due largely to hard work and determination. True, there were some disappointing moments towards the end of season. that only shows that we got to do more to improve ourselves but do not blame yourself. In floorball, there's no individual only a team. We all play together. In today's finals, we saw how mjc boys assisted each other to put in beautiful goals and defended their goalie so well. Im sure we can achieve such standard too (: Now, we're leaving Coach Stella with you all (hahhaa). Train hard and have fun with her! :D I'll miss everyone and every moment we shared, no matter whether it's happy or sad (: We keep this pride and honour in our heart and it'll last us through our lives. Thanks for the memories! I'm proud to be a RV floorballer ♥ #21
9:59 PM
Monday, May 17, 2010
hi team! today's game was great! :) i believe everyone fought their hardest and thr're no regrets. from nothing, rvfbt is now national 4th! congrats :D i just wanna say, i love rvfbt and have never ever regretted joining floorball. thank you seniors for making us feel very welcomed and for making trngs seem so fun. we'll definitely miss you guys and pls do play with us often! and i hope zijun gets well soon! x.x well done team =D #29
7:34 PM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
"When all is said and done, it's not the shots that won the championship that you remember, but the friendships you made along the way." "When you need a friend, you can always count on your teammates." No matter what we achieve in the end,the trophies mean nothing. The glory will fade. In the end all that is important is your happiness. We got to step in court heads up and strong as a team,leave the court proud as ever on monday. (: Our aim to be-An athlete,A champion,A true floorball player. #12
8:57 PM
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Hello all floorballers! Good job yesterday to both girls and guys! Guys, you people put up a great fight. This is only your first season, but you guys are really performing well for a rookie team like ourselves. Lots of other people are saying so too, not I anyhow whack one hor please. Don't give up, and train hard from now till next season. Next year we'll come out and stun people again. Underdogs ftw! I'll be waiting to see you guys knock people off their feet ;) As for girls........SEMI-FINALS. We waited one year for this, and now it's here for real. Time to put on our fighting gear and really play some floorball! I'm guessing once we enter the placing match we will kenna killing spree by the other teams. But whatever man, we entered semi-finals on our second year (and first for juniors), that's enough already. Now we really have got nothing to lose, so we will have to fight and give our all yeah? In the past year, we can see how much we've grown. In terms of speed, skills and mental strength. Do you see yourself when watching newer teams play? Yeah that's exactly like how we used to be. This is the last season for most of you girls, and maybe myself, so we must leave some legacy behind that we'll all be proud of when we look back ;) I'm really proud of all of you girls who support each other as a team. Let's perform miracles. Superwoman #19
11:56 AM
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hello, I just want to tell everyone to Not Be Nervous. We can all watch TV (I love hong2bai2xi3shi4)/ surf Tumblr/ sleep early to get our minds off floorball. We really really really need need need to play our best on Friday. Let us not let our nerves screw us up. Focus on unleashing what you've got in you and not be too pressurized? Don't know la, take care everybardy :) #11
10:22 PM