![]() We ♥ floorball! |
Monday, June 22, 2009
Red Jersey + Blue Shorts + Black socks Bring thermometer too! trg's cancelled due to MOE instructions. There'll be no trg until further notice.
11:45 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
HEY BABES. Recrea Head here to make an announcement again.xD Tomorrow we will all have lunch at Pasta Mania in Vivocity after training, to celebrate the honourable return of PMS(hopefully she didn't bring back any virus or something) and another BIG occasion.=] MUST COME! #14
8:29 PM
17/6 Wed 9-11am Trg
Red jersey + Waga shorts (since it's more comfortable) + Black socks! Remember to bring THERMOMETER too! Temp. taking is at 845am.
6:19 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Mail from Stella: " Hello RVH Floorballers Greetings from your coach! As mentioned from previous training, I am stopping your PT sessions for now till after your exams. I really appreaciate the effort from those who headed the PT sessions, you gals have done a wonderful job! Thank You! Reason for me to stop PT is; I want a team that will improve and grow together as one. I do not wish floorball to be a source of stressness or excuses in any form. Floorball to me is PASSION, it cannot be something negative! I've taken a step back for you, the least I can ask for is for you gals to attend trainings. Training will only be 2hrs per week, it will not take up any of your study time at all, please come with a ready heart. Therefore no one is to skip training unless with a vaild reason plus approved by your teacher-in-charged. PT session will only resume after your exams...i will set some rules for your future PT session, it will be more fun la! For those who wish to continue your running session please go ahead, I am not stopping anyone! If i can maybe one day i can join too...MAYBE! Thats all for now! GoodLuck for your Examss! stella "
11:57 PM
HEY GIRLS.xD The responsible and creative head in charge of recreational activities vital to the bonding of the whole team (AKA.RECREA HEAD) has an announcement to make. River Valley High School's one and only beloved and respected floorball team of year 2009 headed by Jaslin and Shiyuan is gonna have a chalet this year end. ~DRUMROLLS~ Okay, cut the crap short.xD I really wonder why I have so much crap. Anyway, the chalet is gonna be held most probably in the first week of December in the holidays. Three days two nights of team bonding at pasir ris NS. Looking forward? But I need to gather your responses first babes. And it's based on a first come first serve basis, so we have to book early. Give me your replies ASAP kay.=] #14
3:37 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hey yo! NO PT until Mid Yr Examinations end. PT will only resume after the wk of MYE. Only 1 floorball trg (2h) each week for 3rd and 4th wk of June!
9:57 PM
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hey team! Please note that there will not be any PT this coming Saturday as there is training on that day from 10am to 12pm. Remember to bring your thermometers! #09
12:05 AM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Will only settle the committees for floorball carnival.
6:42 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hey girls! The weather these few days has been very very ultimately hotttttttttt So please do drink more water!!!!! (plain water would be the best) Eat more fruits and veg, carbohydrates and some proteins too! Oh btw, the dribbling practices are revised. So this is the one! (no specific quantity) 1) Left-right dribble with control hand 2) Left-right dribble with both hands a. using fore and back blades: ball infront, face the front + ball at the side, face the front b. using tip of blade and foreblade: ball infront, face the front, short distance+ long distance (shoulder width) 3) Lifting up the ball and cushioning it 4) Wrist pass against the wall and receive (with exercise band) 5) Continuous pass against the wall (without exercise band) 6) hit jumping ball with foreblade 7) hit jumping ball with backblade (jumping ball should be around knee height only)It's recommended that these exercises are done once a week to maintain the touch on floorball stick during this 'study break' (: Have a good holiday and study hard! #21
12:19 AM
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Yo peepos! Please be informed that there will be a meeting after training, next saturday (edit: 13 June) in school. There will be a 30min break after training ends (trg is from 10am-12pm) and we will go to one of the classrooms in Blk B/C for the meeting at 1230pm. The meeting will include two sections.
Some details abt Floorball Carnival 09 Date: 12 Aug 09 (may include 19 Aug, depending on the responses) Time: 3pm-6pm Venue: School Hall We will be targeting at Yr3 and Yr4 students this time. Objective of holding this carnival is to: - allow them to gain exposure to floorball - scout talents and probably ask them down for cca trials by Coach. Please also note that there is not specific time when the meeting will end. It will depend on how productive the discussion goes and if all the agendas discussed have a conclusion. (*An additional point: If anyone is unable to make it for any PT session, please inform Zhijun or Yueting. ) #21 says, "See you all soon (:"
1:21 AM
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Hi girls, Latest MOE instructions: There is an increased in the no. of affected areas so from now onwards, temperature taking and checking of travel history before of all activities need to be carried out. Please Take Note: Bring your thermometer for every training and PT session. Temperature must be taken before warm up and PT. (edit: Please arrive 30min before training/PT so that there's time for temp taking+ warm up before trg) Report temperature reading to Jaslin and it needs to be recorded. If you travelled to other country before that training or PT, please also be honest and Please take this exercise seriously. Email from RVHS: " In order to ring fence the school, we need to ensure the well-being of our staff and students, teachers need to do the following before the start of all school-based holiday activities: a. Take attendance of all students b. Conduct a visual screening for staff and students who may be unwell c. Conduct temperature-taking for staff and students d. Check the official and personal travel history of staff and students e. For staff and students who are unwell and have travelled to an H1N1 flu affected area, they should seek medical attention promptly and call 993 for an ambulance. Parents of these students would be informed immediately. f. For staff and students who are well but have travelled to an H1N1 flu affected area, they should not participate in any school activities for 7 days upon their return to Singapore. For this group of students who turn up for CCAs and other school activities, their parents would be informed to bring them home. "Affected countries include: Mexico, USA, Canada, Melbourne and State of Victoria (Australia), Kobe and Osaka (Japan), Chile. ****Those without thermometer will not be allowed to stay for training. Lets do our part to ensure well-being of everyone and does not create problem in Singapore. #21
9:23 PM
Friday, June 5, 2009
Hey team! Sorry for the late notice again but there will be a PT session tomorrow from 8am to 10am. (in fact, there will be PT sessions every Saturday unless otherwise stated) We are going to do long distance running tomorrow to train up on our stamina. We will be running from school to Henderson Waves, where we will take a short rest, and then we will run back to school via Depot Road. I know it sounds tough, but please come with an open mind kay! And since we are only going to run tomorrow, you all do not need to bring your sticks. However, please come in proper attire, which means proper shoes (court shoes will do. Don't wear the normal school shoes!) Latecomers will be punished severely! [edit: Today's attendance for PT: 6/18 People who reported absence: 8/12 People who were absent with a valid reason (i.e. not feeling well/cannot do PT): 4/8 Please produce a MC or parent's letter if you did not turn up for today's PT.] #09
8:23 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hey everyone! Let's have a floorball outing this june! Your recrea head (Sherry Goh) has proposed cycling, k-ing and dinner-ing. For more info, refer to her blog. If you got any other suggestions, tag on the tagboard. Tentatively, the date is on the third fri of june. Any objections or suggestions? Goalie.
9:31 PM