Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hey ladies, we will be giving out the exercise bands soon so i shall post your homework here!! At least 3 times a week during the hols: 1) 50 Left-right dribble with control hand
2) 25 left-right dribble with both hands (1 set)
a. using fore and back blades: ball infront, face the front x 1 set + ball at the side, face the front x 1 set
b. using tip of blade and foreblade: ball infront, face the front, short distance x 1 set + long distance (shoulder width) x 1 set
3) 50 Lifting up the ball and cushioning it 4) 50 Wrist pass against the wall and receive (with exercise band)
5) 50 Wrist pass against the wall and receive (without exercise band)
6) 10 hit jumping ball with foreblade 7) 10 hit jumping ball with backblade (jumping ball should be around knee height only)
(pt does not count)Every week: 1) 4km run
2) 50 crunches
3) 30 push ups
4) 3 X Bridge for one minute
5) 30 Squats
10:24 PM
Friday, May 29, 2009
Hi floorballers! :D
Im proud of this team's achievements during the annual cross country A'div race (: Congratulations to all medalists! Good job to those who came in closely behind! An encouraging pat on the shoulders of those who ran in competitive and non competitive! We all must train harder to build up stamina and speed! Jiayou (: Anyway, floorball activity on Monday 1st June is ON. I think we never really meet our motive for coming up this activity because all the participants are males - 4 yr4s + 9 yr5s Hopefully they can help spread the word lollll Details of activityTime: 10am-1pm (approx.) Venue: School hall Activities: 1000 Gather at tennis court1000-1015 Short briefing + 'Monkey' game as icebreaking/warm up 1015-1115 Game 1115-1130 Short Break 1130 Gather in classroom (most prob 1A) 1130-1200 Videos 1200 Dismissal To Floorballers: Attire: Red jersey + Blue shorts + Black socks Meeting time: 9am Please do not be late. we need to give briefing to what exactly of what we will be doing [edit: do a little bit of normal drills and carry benches to the hall at 945am)Please bring your sticks along. There is no official training on that day = stella is not coming down. If we want to have, we'll play on our own. Every floorballers are expected to turn up for this activity. Please tag your response on tagboard to indicate if you are coming or not. Both goalkeepers MUST come. *hall is unavailable because badminton and wushu booked it for ccas from 8am onwards. See you all soon! :D #21
8:26 PM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
HEY LADIES! just wanna say there will be no pt this week due to open house on saturday. & since its the last day of school on friday, we shall not have pt to torture ourselves! (: However, during the june hols,we cannot slack off and become weak again!! so in a couple more days time, i will post some holiday pt homework that you must do to ensure that we are still in good shape after the holidays (: thats all!
12:14 AM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hi it's me again! (: Floorball Clinic conducted by Fin-nish- Republic Poly
- 8/6 to 14/6
- 9am-12pm OR 1pm-4pm
- $35/pax OR $30/pax (if 20 sign up)
- focus on basics for players and GK
- Players: drills will be centered around passing, shooting, off the ball running (just to name a few)
- GK: exposed to positioning, throws, reading of the game etc
- have games with the Fin-nish guys
** Jani was part of the 2008 Finnish National team which won the world champs while Jukka is playing in the top league in Finland. Please tell me or shiyuan if you're going by 1/6/09 Monday Choose ONLY one day and one session. Thanks :D #21
9:06 PM
HI FLOORBALLERS! :D Shiyuan and I have given the classlists (attached with the super cool poster that eneo designed) to all yr4 and yr5 classes to gather the number of people who will be going to the 'For floorball, fun friendship and fervour' activity. --> visit rvfloorballcraze.blogspot.com Whether or not the activity will continue to take place on 1/6/09 depends on the response. If it does not meet the minimum that we set, we will have TRAINING that day instead. Training schedules for June are updated on the left column. Please check this blog frequently for notices and latest update. Training attires for trainings will be posted here too. Run your best for x-country tmr! :D enjoy the last wk of school hahaha #21!
7:52 PM
Friday, May 22, 2009
HEY LADIES! tomorrow please assemble at canteen at 7.30am. mrs anna chan want us assembled at 7.45 to start. we will be doing long run outside of school first. so please be punctual. & u can wear anything you want as long as it is school based sports attire! (: PLS BRING YOUR STICKS!!!
the weights and exercise band i check already for ankle weights 3lbs around 1.4kg is at $15 for ankle weights 5lbs arounnd 2.3kg is at $21 exercise bands cost around $7 to $8 * i know they dont look very appealing but this is the most clear that i could find! i think they will be nicer colours so dont worry about the attractive and appealing part. (:  * they are compulsory, weights are not
8:40 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
HEY floorballers!There will be photoshooting tomorrow during trg. We're not sure what the cameraman wants to take but we are required to wear different jerseys. So after using a rather fair method to come to a decision (throwing coin LOL), the final conclusion is: Defenders: Red Jersey + Blue shorts
Forwards: White Jersey + Waga black shorts
Goalkeepers: Jasmine - White Yueting - Red
edit : everyone pls wear red jersey + blue shorts tml!
All have to bring long socks! Please try to reach the hall earlier and set up everything so that training (not including warm up) can start promptly at 3pm or earlier if it's possible. ****Shiyuan's appealing to those who are free on 30th May to help out at the booth for Open House. Currently, Clarine Yeejin Winnie and Shiyuan are on. Need two more people! Please tell shiyuan if you can help out (we need to settle this asap) Thanks! #21!
5:59 PM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
HEY BABES! i am here on behalf of yueting and myself to tell you all more about pt. ya, anyway YUETING is the cohead not sherry. ok, we have decided that pt will be on saturday morning 8 to 10. if any of you cannot make it on saturday permanently due to VALID reasons, pls tell me or yueting about it & we will cater to your needs otherwise. mrs anna chan have already stated the citeria for next year team entry. we have to join a special NAPFA for sports at the end of the year. one main citeria to get in is a 2.4 timing of less than 12 mins. also, our beep test have to attain more than level 10. (our current average of the 8 ppl who turned up the previous pt was around 8) I know that it is not easy to hit such citerias but please try your hardest because we want to advance into next year as a team, right people? i know some of you have not been turning up for pt without valid reasons. i just want to say that we should not treat pt as a non compulsory training and come only at our whim and fancy. since the citeria to get into the team has been set and is difficult to attain, i sincerly wish that these people will try to come pt as we really do not want to leave any of you behind. i know some of you are unable to make it on school days and it is also difficult to get a full attendance because of the different times that all of us end school. so we have set it to saturday & please people, please turn up for trainings. i know its a saturday and early in the morning, but if i can turn up, i am sure the rest of you can (: i will tell what we will do for pt. basically we will run 5km every week. 10 km runs are held monthly. we will hold 2.4km test at regular intervals to see your improvement to help attain the citeria. speed runs are compulsory for every pt training. so is bridges/crunches and situps. we will have a special slot for special activities that will train things like e.g pushing, shooting, dribbling, accuracy. i think mrs anna chan will hold beep tests at regular intervals too. mrs anna chan also wants each of us to get a exercise band. I know most of you dont know what it is so i will do my job and go check out the price and will post a picture to inform you all about it. i also have a suggestion of wearing weights to school (not for pe or training) to train up speed and your leg muscles. this is as we only have 2 hours for pt and it sounds abit impossible to squeeze so many things into it. if any of you have better suggestions or different opinions about the weights thing please tag to let me and yueting know. thank you! well, thats all i have to say. so people, pls turn up for pt ok? #23
8:05 PM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
hey ladies, i'll need 6 people to help to man the interactive PE open house booth on 30th May. edit : what you'll have to do take turns from 8am to 1pm and set up a little drill of floorball for people to take part. so far there's sherry and zhijun. those who are okie with it pls tell me. (msn, sms, email, or personally) do so asap okie! thanks (: shiyuan
8:22 AM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
HEY BABES!i am extremely glad to inform you pretty ladies that there will be a PT TRAINING tomorrow, friday, most likely starting from 4 or 430pm. i know some of you end really super early but i am sure for the rest of the team mates you all can sacrifice yourself by sitting around until the time for pt starts. it will last probably about 2 hours depending on how fast we can finish everything. sticks are NOT NECESSARY for tomorrow's pt. but those who like to train before and after pt training (esp. those who have to wait for a very long time), please go ahead & bring your sticks. Attire: you can wear anything you want as long as it's a proper sports attire also, please help to pass around this message about tomorrow's pt training if you are sure your fellow friend or teammate wont see this. thats all! see you ladies tomorrow (: * good luck for those with chem test tomorrow!#23
7:44 PM
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Next week onwards, we will begin a new phase of training. Once a week, on every wednesday. So we must treasure the short 2h we have each wk with Coach. After playing 4 matches against teams of different standard and playing style, I'm sure all of us learnt alot and gain much experience. You should be able to identify what your weaknesses, strengths and what news skills you want to pick up by now. There's no more time to waste. Understand what you want and put in your fullest. We'll all grow stronger together as a team! Jiayou floorball girls, next yr we'll make a comeback! (: -#21
12:01 AM
Monday, May 4, 2009
WELL DONE FOR TODAY'S MATCH :Dwe've got solid defence yo! thanks for being chiongsters when some of our teammates were in sinbin lol! it was our teamwork which created miracles! (ZERO goal in the 2nd and 3rd periods) ALL THE WAY RVFLOORBALLquoted from eileen's post: "....when on court, you only play for victory" THE NEXT TWO VICTORIES ARE OURSdo not let your defence down, go in strong and show them what we've got! WE GOTTA FIGHT IT OUR WAY :D#21!
9:53 PM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
In the end, the game comes down to one thing: man against man. May the best man win. -- Sam Huff
3 more games coming up! so stay strong and fight on!
take good care of yourselves and rmb to carbo-load!
shiyuan. (:
11:06 AM